Read Daily Hukamnama

The Daily Hukamnama Sahib: A Divine Message from Darbar Sahib


The daily Hukamnama Sahib from Darbar Sahib, also known as the Golden Temple, is a cherished spiritual practice for Sikhs globally. Derived from the Guru Granth Sahib, the holy scripture of Sikhism, the Hukamnama offers daily guidance and wisdom, helping Sikhs navigate their spiritual and daily lives. Visit to read the daily Hukamnama and enrich your spiritual journey.


Toaday hukamnama From Darbar Sahib
Toaday hukamnama From Darbar Toaday hukamnama From Darbar Sahib

Historical Background of Hukamnama Sahib

The tradition of the Hukamnama Sahib began with the fifth Sikh Guru, Guru Arjan Dev Ji, who compiled the Adi Granth. This sacred text later evolved into the Guru Granth Sahib. Since then, the practice of reading a daily Hukamnama has been an integral part of Sikh devotion, representing the voice of the Gurus guiding their followers.

The Process of Selecting the Hukamnama Sahib

Every morning, a Granthi at the Darbar Sahib randomly opens the Guru Granth Sahib and reads a passage aloud. This passage becomes the Hukamnama Sahib for the day. The selection is believed to be divinely inspired, ensuring that the message is relevant to the devotees’ lives and circumstances. You can access the daily Hukamnama at to stay connected with these divine messages.

Daily Hukamnama On Whatsapp
Daily Hukamnama On Whatsapp

The Spiritual Impact of the Hukamnama Sahib

The daily Hukamnama serves as a spiritual beacon for Sikhs. It offers insight, encouragement, and direction, helping individuals align their actions and thoughts with the teachings of the Gurus. By meditating on the Hukamnama, Sikhs can cultivate a deeper understanding of their faith and strengthen their spiritual journey. For daily reflections and guidance, visit

The Role of Hukamnama Sahib in Daily Devotion

For Sikhs, the Hukamnama Sahib is a vital element of daily devotion. It reinforces the teachings of the Guru Granth Sahib, promoting values such as humility, compassion, and righteousness. The daily Hukamnama is shared within the Sikh community, fostering collective reflection and a sense of unity. Enhance your daily devotion by reading the Hukamnama at

Accessing the Hukamnama Sahib Worldwide

In the digital age, the daily Hukamnama Sahib from Darbar Sahib is readily accessible to Sikhs everywhere. Various websites, mobile apps, and social media platforms provide the text, translations, and interpretations of the Hukamnama. This accessibility ensures that Sikhs can incorporate the practice into their daily routine, no matter where they are. For easy access, visit and stay connected with the divine messages from the Darbar Sahib.


The Hukamnama Sahib from Darbar Sahib is more than a daily ritual; it is a divine message that provides spiritual guidance and insight to Sikhs around the world. This sacred tradition connects Sikhs to their faith and each other, promoting a life of virtue and devotion. By reflecting on the daily Hukamnama, Sikhs can find the strength and wisdom to face life’s challenges, staying true to the teachings of their Gurus. For daily Hukamnama readings and spiritual enrichment, visit