Punjabi Unicode Gurmukhi Font Converter GurbaniAkhar


Download Punjabi Font For Computer & Mobile

Latest Punjabi Font

Learn How to Convert Punjabi Unicode Text To another Punjabi Font Format

If you paste Punjabi font in Unicode and other types of Punjabi font on your object, then they do not paste Punjabi characters, how do we solve it?

Process to convert punjabi unicode

  • This process is divided into some easy process

    • 1st Step – First of all you should find out which Punjabi font is yours. Example: “Anmol Lipi”, “Arial Unicode MS”, “DrChatrikWeb”, “Awaze”, “Satluj”, “Asees”, “Joy”, “GurbaniLipi”, “GurmukhiLys020”, “GurbaniAkhar“, “Gurbani Web Thick”, ” Raaj“, “WebAkhar”, “GHP Full
    • 2nd Step – You have to copy the paragraph or letter which you want to convert to Punjabi Unicode. Paste the copied text in the first (Text area) of this website
    • 3rd Step – Then you go to the font Unicode selector and choose the style of your pasted font
    • 4th Step – Then you select the second selector in the font Unicode selector in which you have to convert the Punjabi Unicode text
    • 5th Step – To convert Punjabi to Unicode, you can convert Punjabi to Unicode by clicking on the Convert Button of the red car.

The easiest way to convert Punjabi font to Unicode

First of all, Go to Google Translate and select Punjabi Typing and type what you want, and copy and paste it on [Text Area]
Then go to the selector and select [Unicode] in the first selector and select [Gurbani Lipi] in the second selector and click on the convert button
Now your Punjabi Unicode is converted

How to download and install Punjabi font on computer and phone

  • How to install Punjabi font family in computer ?

    • To Download Punjabi font, you go to the webpage containing Punjabi font and download your favorite font style and download it
      After downloading, extract the
      file. After extracting, open the font file by clicking it twice. After opening the font page of “TrueType Font File” click on the install button to install Punjabi font on the computer.How To Install Punjabi Font Style In PC Computer
  • How to install Punjabi font family on Mobile Phone?

    • To download Punjabi font, you go to the webpage containing Punjabi font and download your favorite font style and download it
      After downloading, extract the “.ZIP” file. For this, you need a mobile application. Now open the mobile application in which you want to install Punjabi font. Go to the section with font typing and click on the button with open more fonts, select the font and open it by going to the file location of the font RAR Zip File Extractor Mobile App
      Click To Download RAR App